Installation Tutorial for Cloud

This tutorial will show you how to deploy QuantRocket to your preferred cloud provider.

Note for users running private clouds. This tutorial installs QuantRocket in a public cloud and secures the deployment with SSL and HTTP Basic Auth. Alternatively, to install QuantRocket in a private cloud without using SSL and Basic Auth, (1) launch your cloud instance and SSH onto it; (2) follow the Linux tutorial to install QuantRocket on the cloud instance; and (3) instead of going to http://localhost:1969 to access JupyterLab, go to http://<private_ip_of_instance>:1969.

Create Cloud Server

Recommended cloud provider: If you aren't sure which cloud provider to use, we recommend Oracle Cloud due to their generous free tier (4 CPUs, 24 GB of memory, and 200 GB of storage). A separate step-by-step tutorial is available for installing QuantRocket on Oracle Cloud.

To deploy QuantRocket to the cloud, you need a cloud server running Docker and accessible by SSH, HTTPS, and HTTP. (HTTP is only used for provisioning an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt, as described in more detail in the Oracle Cloud tutorial.) The exact steps vary by cloud provider, and tutorials are readily available on the web, so a step-by-step tutorial is not provided here. However, the basic steps are as follows:

  1. Check the system requirements and determine the appropriate memory, CPU, and storage to give to your cloud server.
  2. Create a cloud server using your preferred cloud provider (Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, DigitalOcean, etc.)
  3. Set up SSH access to the cloud server using public key authentication (not password authentication).
  4. Open ports 80 and 443 on your cloud server. Depending on your cloud provider, these ports may or may not be open by default. (On systems with ufw, this can usually be done by running ufw allow http && ufw allow https.)
  5. Install Docker on the cloud server. To do so, check out the Linux tutorial or find a tutorial specific to your cloud provider.

To verify that you have successfully completed the above steps, obtain the IP of your cloud server from your cloud provider's web console and login to the cloud server using SSH. If public key authentication is set up correctly, you will not need to enter a password:

$ ssh your_username@your_cloud_server_ip

Once you are on the cloud server, verify that Docker is installed and running by entering a docker command, such as:

$ docker info

Per Docker's SSH tips, it's a good idea to add the following lines to your ~/.ssh/config file on your local computer to allow Docker to reuse SSH connections:

ControlMaster     auto
ControlPath       ~/.ssh/control-%C
ControlPersist    yes

Remaining steps

Complete the installation by following the steps in the "Oracle Cloud" tutorial beginning with the Setup Domain section.

Continue tutorial